Brought to you by Property Revive.
Bathrooms can be a drain on the Landlords money.
Bathrooms seem to have a certain life span and once a bathroom starts to deteriorate the repair costs can be startling and the localised property damage quite significant. Also, bathroom defects are a major source of distress for a tenant.
Property Revive has a qualified team of plumbers, tilers, bathroom sprayers, carpenter & cabinet makers and electricians. We offer top service, quality workmanship and a fast turnaround. We know that Landlords cannot leave their investments empty for any length of time and we schedule our work accordingly.
Try an epoxy spray on the next problem bath/show defect.
We are able to transform the appearance and condition of a bathroom without the huge dollar figure so often quoted by bathroom retailers. Bathroom spraying is durable, crisply eye-catching and affordable.
We can also make suggestions about a selection of space-saving bathroom options. Our team can create some beautiful bathroom spaces. Call us today for a free quote.
At Property Revive we offer a range of pre-sale and rental makeover solutions. Give myself, Felicity Maxwell, a call anytime on 0488 11 13 11 or any of the Team to discuss.
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