29th November 2019 / Prue Fletcher: Styling Hacks for Small Spaces

Whether it's your first apartment or you've downsized from the family home, we've all experienced pokey corners where we wished we could rub a lamp, have a Genie pop out and magically make the room feel like the Taj Mahal.

Well, I've come to realise it might not be magic, but it is all smoke and mirrors, and it just comes down to some clever styling advice.

Here are my top tips to trick the eye into thinking your spaces are look and feel palatial;

1. Natural Light

Bring in the outdoors, bounce the light around and create a sense of space with skylights and strategically placed mirrors.

2. Space and Elevation

Think floors then walls. Steer away from heavy pieces that sit directly on the floor and always leave space behind the couch and wall. If you 'create' space your room will always feel much larger than it really is.

3. Paint Colour

Go bright, go white. Bright white walls scream 'space' whereas darker palettes and feature walls will just enclose a room. Play with colours elsewhere, there are plenty of opportunities in soft furnishings, rugs and throws.

4. A Large Rug

Don't be afraid to go bold in colour or print and the bigger the better when it comes to rugs in small spaces.

Your rug will also anchor the room together, forming a good place to start when deciding on what pieces to add next.

5. Multi-Purpose Furniture

Think ottomans instead of coffee tables which can double as seats when entertaining larger groups.

Posted on Friday, 29 November 2019
by Prue Fletcher in Home & Design
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.