5th July 2019 / Prue Fletcher: Selling Your Home With Children

All the good parenting advice states, 'let kids be kids'. In my house, this involves glitter from the front door to the back and craft-a-thons on most afternoons.

How then, when it comes time to sell your home, do you best avoid disrupting their little worlds and expect them to become modern-day minimalists overnight?

Here are my top tips for making life easier when selling with kids.

Make it Part of Your Everyday Life

Try and implement structure and storage to your household now. It will make the big changes in life feel not so big when the time comes to make a move.
A great reference for keeping an organised life is Chelsea over at @theorganisingplatform.

Food Preparation

Plan your meals for the week ahead. Why add unnecessary stress when mid-week inspections pop up? A lasagna and curry made on a Sunday can go a long way!

Ask for Help

Whether it's getting an extra pair of hands-on open days, having the kids looked after or employing a cleaner for the duration of your campaign, ask for help. As the age-old saying goes; it takes a village to raise a family, and likewise to sell a house.

Creative Storage

Baskets are my best friend. Whether it's washing, housing greenery or transporting things from one end of your home to the other, baskets can be a strategic and decorative way to store odds and ends to disguise last minute clutter on open day!

I hope this helps to keep you and your youngsters on track for a smooth sale. I'm always keen to hear your tips and tricks so feel free to drop me a line at prue.fletcher@fletchers.net.au.

Posted on Friday, 05 July 2019
by Prue Fletcher in Home & Design
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.