Did you know, rental properties with professional photography are leased faster than those without?
According to independent Australian property management specialists, Property Only, properties with professional images rent up to 70% faster, on average.
Using high-quality images to ensure your property remains vacant for as little time as possible can make all the difference between losing a week of rental income, securing a tenant faster and achieving a higher rental return. To avoid the potential of lost rental income, using professional photography is proven to draw more attention to your listing, resulting in more enquiries and inspections from potential tenants.
When browsing online, the majority of rental property listings tend to look the same, mostly due to the
fact that images have been shot and uploaded via a smartphone or compact camera. As a result, the poor photo quality, lack of wide angles and insufficient lighting does nothing to make your property stand out against competitors.
Using amateur photography with poor lighting can send the wrong message to potential tenants and may set the pretense that your home can be treated to less-than-ideal standards. To prevent turning away more desirable occupants for your property, using high quality photos allows others to see that both, your Fletchers property manager and yourself, the owner, are looking for high quality tenants.
Here are some of the key benefits of using professional photography for your rental property:
Properties can be leased up to 70% faster, according to Property Only.
Avoids potentially losing rental income.
Achieves a higher rental return.
Gains more enquiries and inspections.
Attracts higher quality tenants.
Provides an accurate record of the property's pre-lease condition.
Tax-deductible expense.
Photos can be re-used each time you re-lease the property.
With so many opportunities to get the most out of your property, professional photography is one of the best investments you can make if you're serious about leasing your property faster and smarter.
For more information, don't hesitate to contact the Fletchers Property Management team.
by Beth Oleyar in Home & Design
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