11th June 2019 / Prue Fletcher: Tips for Selling in Winter

When selling a home, I always advise clients to consider the seasonal features of their property to determine when it will look most appealing to the market.

For this reason, and many more, Winter has always been one of my favourite selling seasons. Here's why.

Activity in the property market typically follows how we, as Melbournians, like to live; perking up the Spring and bunkering down in the Winter. In terms of how that influences the property market - it can often mean a competitive advantage for sellers.

As the amount of homes hitting the market tends to cool, competition typically heats up. Traditionally, the majority of home owners decide to sit out the cooler months and wait until their gardens come into full bloom before they launch their campaign across the Spring period. Buyers though, you will find, remain both steady and serious contenders all year long.

Now that the election has well and truly passed, there is a great window of opportunity for the remainder of 2019. Here's a few tips on how to ensure your property campaign is a success throughout Winter.

1. Sell in Winter, Buy in Spring

This is one of my favourite property scenarios and one of the best positions you can find yourself in. Not only will you know exactly how much you have to spend and be able to make clean offers (putting yourself in a competitive advantage), when the masses hit the market in Spring, you will have greater choice when buying.

2. School Holidays

Try and avoid starting or ending your campaign on the July School Holidays, timing is crucial to ensure a successful sale. It's important to work closely with your agent to give the buyers every opportunity to come along and inspect your home.

3. Forward Planning

Have your photographs and videos taken early, before the trees turn baron. Planning ahead when selling in Winter ensures your marketing campaign looks as attractive as possible, giving buyers a glimpse of what their future looks like when visualising themselves in your home.

4. Seasonal Appeal

Pay particular attention to lighting, temperature and textures. If your home is a little darker in the afternoon, try for earlier open homes. Create some ambience by lighting the open fire and throw a few extra rugs on the couches and bed to really leave a lasting impression.

Posted on Tuesday, 11 June 2019
by Prue Fletcher in Home & Design
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.