6th May 2022 / Prue Fletcher: Mother's Day 2022

For many people, the concept of 'Mother' refers not just to a parent who gives life and supplies food, shelter and love, but also to the tribe of women who raise us – be it two mothers, a grandmother, aunty, stepmother, sister, friend or special someone who is no longer with us.

People often refer to the fact that 'it takes a village to raise a family' and no truer phrase could be spoken than of the last two years. Whether it was nurturing a young family or caring for those who have already cared for theirs, 'mothers' as we know them, have lifted across the world ensuring that the mental and physical health of our families flourished through unprecedented times.

They are the strength that holds us up and the gentle voice that calms us down, and we hope that this Mothers Day everyone takes a moment to acknowledge these special women in your life.

Here is how some of our Fletchers family will be spending their Mothers Day:

"Mothers Day is a day where I get to slow down the pace and exist in the presence of my two girls. A morning usually spent being treated to breakfast in bed and afternoon tea with extended family. A particularly special moment was shared earlier this week when I was guest at Camberwell Girls Grammar for a Mothers Day breakfast with both of my daughters. Watching them develop into the young women they are becoming is my greatest achievement. I'm so proud of them."

Spring Chen (Senior Property Consultant)

"Mothers Day for me will be an early start together with my 2 beautiful daughters as we undertake the Mothers Day Classic at the Royal Botanic Gardens in support of a gorgeous friend who so courageously fought and survived cancer a number of years ago. This will be followed by a lunch at home with my own family, of course including all the mums! (my two sisters, my niece, and my own beautiful mum!). My girls have always said "To the world, you are a mother. To our Family, you are the world". Something I know applies to all the mums in our family and beyond!"

Caroline Dawborn, Customer Experience Manager

"Mother's Day is all about lazy mornings at home. I love enjoying a home cooked breakfast, made by my children, either delivered to me in bed or we all sit together at the table. It is always fun opening the presents they've chosen at the school Mothers Day stall but I mostly love their handmade cards and the cute little handmade gifts my daughter always makes for me. In the afternoon, we will hopefully enjoy a cuppa and afternoon tea with my Mum at our place after my son's footy match. Mother's Day in our house is a pretty relaxed affair but a lovely way to acknowledge the amazing job all Mums do."

Katie Evans, Marketing Co-Ordinator (4th Generation Fletcher family member)

They say home is where the heart is, and my Mum is definitely always in my heart! My best friend, and someone who is there for me unconditionally.

Sarah Lowry, Partner & CMO

On Mother's Day, when we're in the same town, I love to see mum for a cuppa at her home on the Bellarine. Now that I'm a mum, I love a simple day at home with my family. My husband & kids often make me breakfast & a cup of tea in bed, always with a little flower garnish picked by the kids! A little something their dad loves to do and something they've picked up from their grandma!

I have fond memories of my sister and I spoiling mum & our Nannabess (who is sadly no longer with us) with afternoon tea at Mum's place by the fire, with warm cups of tea & yummy afternoon tea treats. A special time to get together and show our love, appreciation and gratitude for our Mum & Nanna.

Mother's Day is a special day for some and a hard day for many, so I often think of those around me who may be struggling. I hope all my loved ones find some happiness and feel the love from those around them on Mother's Day.

Anna Fletcher (Property Consultant Bellarine, 4th Generation Fletcher family member)

"Mothers' Day is spent with my amazing daughter Caitlin, my three granddaughters Scarlett, Ivy & baby Bridie and my wonderful son-in-law Neil. I am so proud of my daughter and the way she is lovingly raising my adored girls, our special bond means the world to me. My mother Pam is almost 88yrs old and lives near Noosa so Facetime will suffice until I fly there mid-May and treat her to a special high tea lunch date together".

Allison Miller (Executive Assistant to Jeremy Desmier)

Mother's Day may not be so joyful for everyone in our community and we would like to acknowledge this by reserving our final thoughts for you.

With Love,

The Fletchers Group

Posted on Friday, 06 May 2022
by Prue Fletcher in Community & Events
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.