Autumn is a time to let go. Just as the trees lose their leaves, we too must let go of the things that no longer serve us in order to create space and welcome in the change of a new season.
Change for most people is often a confronting task with most research suggesting it takes a minimum of 28 days to form a new habit.
Positive habits create a sense of order; a feeling of safety and security. They foster discipline, allowing you to move through your days with purpose and ease, something we all need to work hard at cultivating whilst operating in remote working environments.
So, here are a few daily habits that seem to be at the top of most high performer's lists:
- A Morning Routine
Starting each day in the same way, by doing something that makes your heart sing, it will work wonders for your energy levels each morning. Whether that's a glass of apple cider vinegar and meditation or reading the news with a cup of coffee, whatever it is do it daily and ideally before the rest of the house wakes. It'll mean you start the day knowing that it's already been a success in many ways.
- Read (and Read a Lot)
Find something your passionate about, in our case Real Estate, and become an expert in that field. Find 30 minutes a day and dedicate it towards your craft, through either news, education or self-development reading.
- Circle of Influence
Be selective about who you let into your circle. Limit those who dwell in a negative making more room for you to be inspired by those who think and act positively.
- Sleep
All research points towards sleep being crucial to success. 8 hours of restorative sleep is reported to help improve memory function and creative thinking.
And lastly, in order to bring about positive change you need a clear mind. A clear mind will enable you to make good decisions, focus on your career, build discipline and keep your goals in sight.
To make that happen, you need to mirror the seasons and let go of your leaves, making room for all of the abundance that awaits.
in Health & Wellbeing
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