By the time life returns to the way it was, we will have all settled into a 'new' kind of normal. One where our connections with family and friends are deeper, our value of time stronger and creativity is back in the game.
It's important we don't look back on what may be a half-year block and realise we've done nothing other than found ourselves in the dreaded 'scroll hole'.
A key component of fostering a creative environment is giving yourself the freedom to fail. The fear of failure cripples creative environments and hamstrings the flow of ideas and ultimately productivity. Fear keeps us colouring between the lines, removing all possibility of improving, streamlining or creating new and more effective ways to work.
Life is there to be lived. We're always using the 'I'm too busy' excuse. Well, now we're not. So why not get those creative juices flowing!
Here's some ideas to help get you started:
Learn a language:
Do a free online course:
Embrace Scrabble, Crosswords or Puzzles:
Plant a vegetable garden, a herb patch or experiment with just one food item!
Compost or grow a worm farm:
The point is, do something, and do it with your whole heart. Even if that is just having a cup of tea. Live for that morning tea intake. Make it marvellous. Get excited about it and make it the best half an hour of your day, every damn day. Dust off the old china, invest in some new blends, or better yet, learn how to create some of your very own!
Ignite that fire within you and it will shine through.
by Prue Fletcher in Health & Wellbeing
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