16th December 2021 / Prue Fletcher: Capitalise on Traditional Advantages by Selling this Holiday Season

Selling your property over the holiday season is one of those strategies that bucks the conventional wisdom that insists sellers should wait until everyone is back from holidays before they go to market.

The trouble with that philosophy lies in the tsunami of supply that emerges towards the Easter break, taking price-power from sellers who'd anticipated a springtime bonanza.

If you prepare well, when other sellers are hesitating because the holiday season is approaching, you'll find yourself in a potentially commanding position.

Based on activity we are currently experiencing, we fully expect buyers to stay in the market as a result of our industry becoming fully digitalised over the course of the 20/21. With travel restrictions still keeping many Melbournians close to home, we anticipate a steady flow of inspections across the Summer selling season as well as holidaymakers being comfortable to compete for their dream home anytime and anywhere in the world.

We've made a short list of advantages and tips for putting your home on the market at this time of year and trust it inspires your thinking.

Buyers Not Taking a Holiday

Sellers will stick around all summer and stay in the market longer. Why? Because travel restrictions will still see Melbournians holidaying closer to home this Summer as well as the past 2 years instilling a confidence in buyers securing their dream homes via a digital arena.

"We were forced to find new ways to engage with our clients throughout the course of 20/21", Fletchers Director Nick Fletcher comments, ''and it's clear that strong demand from the next generation of buyers will keep real estate technology in place long after the pandemic is over. Innovation was key and we are grateful for our team having adapted so well".

Stronger Negotiating Position

The reduced supply of homes bolsters a seller's negotiating position because there's traditionally fewer options for buyers in the market. If your home is perfect for them, you can afford to hold firm.

Slower Response Times

Be ready for lenders, banks, mortgage brokers and lawyers to drag the chain because they'll be on reduced hours over the holiday season. The deal will get done – it always does – and we will be there to guide you every step of the way.

Tone Down the Tinsel

Seasonal decorating during inspections and open houses is lovely, but maybe don't 'deck all the halls' this Christmas. Perhaps stick to a traditional tree, a stylish natural Christmas wreath on the front door, a few lovely pine scented candles under a cloche [glass dome] as a table centrepiece or white and green flower arrangements such as hydrangeas setting a classic yet understated tone.

Posted on Thursday, 16 December 2021
by Prue Fletcher in Finance
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.