24th February 2019 / Beth Oleyar: 5 SIGNS YOUR HOME NEEDS A REFRESH

No matter how well you may take care of your home, it's only a matter of time before the signs of aging start to show. Fear not! Here's a couple of things to keep an eye out for next time you give your home a proper look-over.

Your Floors are Looking Worn
Sometimes we're so concerned with everything at eye level, we forget to look what's under our feet! Next time you're at home, we recommend checking for any hairline cracks in your tiles, loose stitching in the carpet or peeling from the kitchen or bathroom vinyl.

After a Clean, Your House Still Feels Cluttered
If you clean every week but you're still feeling like your home is in shambles, you've probably just got too many things lying around or on display. You'll be surprised what a difference it can make when you invest in some stylish storage displays and free yourself up some space.

What's at the Back of the Pantry is Anybody's Guess
If those 'emergency' cans of soups have long passed their expiration date, it's time to rethink your approach. Consider how best to optimise your shelving with a few storage jars and containers.

Your Bedroom Has Become the Wardrobe
If you're seeing jackets draped over your bedroom chair for days on end, clothing accessories amassing under the bed and drawers for your socks, scarves and underwear overfilling, maybe it's time to ask yourself what's going on in your wardrobe. As a general rule in any room, if your household items are starting to make their way outside of their allocated space, it's time for a refresh.

Weathered Walls
Subject to all sorts of weather conditions, humidity, direct sunlight, scuff marks, paint chips, command strips, pet scratches and handprints, your walls are likely to have the most need for a refresh.

Posted on Sunday, 24 February 2019
by Beth Oleyar in Organising & Cleaning