The kids are ready to go back to school, but are you?
Never fear! We thought we'd help out and research a few products and techniques which are sure to make that OCD part of you OH SO Happy!
Bento Lunchboxes
There is nothing more annoying than soggy sandwiches for lunch or finding that squished brown banana in the bottom of the school bag at the end of a busy day!
Our good friends over at @stuckonyouoffical have an extensive range of Bento Lunchboxes available and are giving our readers 20% off for the remainder of February. • Enter code FLETCHERS at checkout to redeem this offer. Valid until midnight February 28, 2019.
Homework Help
A clever storage solution for all of that night time reading are bedside organisers. A great one I came across via @theorganisingplatform is from @myle_au called The Bedside Caddy. With 5 pockets and 2 charging holes, it will store everything from your children's storybooks to teenagers tablet. Available for $39.95
Having a designated spot where the kids know to put their school-related items, will mean that you are not rushing around each morning looking for odds and ends. I've seen some great laundries being built with integrated kids locker cupboards, however you can also purchase some storage solutions from @ikea_australia which will work just as effective. Try popping the kids timetables/weekly sporting commitments alongside each locker to go that extra step.
Bed Time Routine
Establishing a healthy bedtime routine is so important in young children. Good quality sleep helps your child to concentrate, remember things and behave well. After a big day at school, kids can often still be thinking about many of the days events, so it's important to help your child settle and relax into good sleeping habits. Source:
by Prue Fletcher in Organising & Cleaning
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