Fletchers Blackburn
Real Estate Agents

Fletchers Blackburn Office Profile

Already a dominant presence in the City of Whitehorse, it was a natural progression for Fletchers to establish a flagship office right in the heart of Blackburn. 

The team is led by Directors Ben Williams and Robert Sheahan, already prominent agents in the area who approach real estate with an abundance of enthusiasm and ambition. 

The modern, bright office is centrally located and always buzzing with activity...welcoming clients to drop in and say hello! 

The City of Whitehorse is located just fifteen kilometres east of Melbourne and boasts a culturally diverse community. The area is one that is steeped in history with many of the residential areas dating back to the 1940’s. 

With a mix of quiet residential streets and bustling shopping centres, the City of Whitehorse is also known for its tree-lined streets and abundance of bushland reserves. 

Please drop in to introduce yourself to our friendly team – the door is always open!

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