Service Dispute Policy
Fletchers endeavours to provide our clients and the communities in which we serve with outstanding service.
However, if for any reason you feel we have not lived up to our ambitions and you need to raise a complaint, then the following should assist you.
How to make a complaint
Please provide as much details as possible about the nature of your complaint, including the outcome you would like in order to resolve the matter.
How we will handle your complaint
We will treat the process, and all the details of your complaint, in strict confidence.
How long will it take?
We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. However, the length of time will depend on the nature and complexity of the issues you have raised.
You will receive acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint from us within two business days. We will give you an estimate of how long it may take us to deal with the matter and we will endeavour to finalise the matter within 5 business days.
What action will we take in response to your complaint?
If we determine that your complaint is justified, we will then decide what action we should take in response. We will always try to match our response to the nature of your complaint and the desired outcome. Some of the things we might do include:
• Seek to understand the situation in full by clarifying the situation with those primarily involved.
• Take steps to rectify the problem or issue you have raised.
• Provide you with additional information or advice so you can understand what happened or how we have dealt with it.
• Take steps to change our policies or procedures if your complaint indentifies a problem in the way we are doing things.
What if you're still unhappy?
Sometimes it will not be possible to resolve a complaint to everyone's satisfaction, and you might want to contact your legal representative or Consumer Affairs Victoria for further information.
If you need to register a complaint with Fletchers, please contact the relevant department below.
E-mail Sarah Lowry -
Property Management
Call Andrew Paterson - +61 3 9831 3416