We are experiencing unprecedented times and like many of us within the community, the Fletchers Group is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff, clients and suppliers. For us, this means implementing systems and procedures that enable our business to effectively operate remotely.
For many, working from home might seem like a holiday. However, maintaining positive output and routine may prove difficult for these new work-from-home families when combined with the task of caring for our kids. With this in mind, included below are our top tips for managing our new workplaces in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Maintain a Normal Routine
Set your alarm, get up early, shower and get dressed (and no, that doesn't include a business shirt on the top and PJ's on the bottom). Starting the day with a 'business as usual' mindset will help you on your way to achieving all there is to do.
Designate a Work Space
Tempting as it may be, try to not sit on the couch or work from the comfort of your bed. Designating an area for 'work' will help you maintain good posture and avoid unwanted distractions. This also sets the stage for you to 'close the door' on work when the day is done so you avoid bringing it back to bed with you.
Stay Connected
Motivation plays a huge role when working remotely, so staying connected to your team is important. Before typing a response, consider if the email thread could be better handled via a phone or video call. If multiple people are involved in the discussion, set aside some time for Skype, Facetime, Microsoft Teams or a Zoom meeting.
Switch it Up
Since health authorities around the world have encouraged social distancing, it looks as if we'll be spending a lot more time indoors. To combat the risk of cabin fever, remember to open your windows, let in as much natural light as possible, take a brief walk in unpopulated areas and remember to get a daily dose of Vitamin D. Adding indoor greenery also proves beneficial for your overall wellbeing and a study published via the ABC recently found that 'having plants around keeps people more alert and productive'. The article also revealed that having a view of a garden resulted in employees taking less 'sick days'.
Working with the Tribe
If you find yourself working from home with babies or toddlers in tow, life is set to get pretty challenging, but not impossible. Having a clear plan in place is key to avoiding the chaos and some things that have helped our work-from home parents are:
- Being flexible with your hours. Try to squeeze in your work early in the morning, during nap times and in the evenings. It's not ideal, but it's not forever.
- Talk to your kids and if they are older, explain the temporary nature of the situation and how we all need to work together making allowances for each other.
- Have age appropriate activities and something that doesn't require your supervision. @myplayroommalingrd have an enormous range of activities for kids all ages and are open for business, even through online orders.
- Amidst all of this, remember to take time for you. The challenges we all face are real, yet temporary and kindness is key.
We'd like to express our very best wishes to our local communities during this challenging time.
As an industry, we are fortunate to be operating in a highly digital arena, therefore, business can operate relatively consistently. However, we ask for your patience as we navigate and evaluate our upcoming open homes and auction schedule based on guidance from the State Government.
Prue Fletcher
Brand & Lifestyle Ambassador
by Prue Fletcher in Health & Wellbeing
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