The Label Craze
I am the Queen labeller in our house. They find their way on EVERYTHING. My eldest daughter's daycare items, our personal filing system, containers in our pantry. I find it both therapeutic and satisfying.
Our friends over at @thelabelledhome are giving our readers 10% off their next label purchase! Enter Code FLETCHERS at checkout. Offer valid until Feb 28 2019.
Air Tight Containers
Storing your items in an air tight storage container not only prolongs the life of the product but also helps you see exactly what's available for you to cook with - a sure way for you to be more inspired in the kitchen.
The KONMARI fold
"The act of folding is an expression of the love and appreciation for the way these clothes support your lifestyle" - @mariekondo, author of 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up'. This fold has changed my life. The principal is to fold it, stand it upright and store like-minded items in one spot which allows me to dress myself and my girls with minimal fuss and mess each day.
Vertical Storage
For the space savvy person, using wall storage solutions is key. Clean benches and clear floors create a sense of space like no other. Think magnetic strips in your kitchen to house knives, peg boards in your study for party invitations or the dreaded water bill, meal planners on hooks to replace notepads - the options are endless.
by Prue Fletcher in Home & Design
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