1st April 2020 / Prue Fletcher: Procrastination to Productivity

Working from home has both its challenges and its perks. Procrastination can be the thief of productivity, yet if done strategically, can actually be productivity's champion. Here are our tips on how to harness procrastination by focusing your mind on what actually needs to be done now.

  • Pick your Poison

    Write a list each morning with everything you wish to achieve today, rating them from 1 to 10 (10 being the most challenging for you). Start by ticking of a few 10s, working your way through the most difficult tasks first.

  • Hour of Power

    Work in chunks of time. Give yourself a set window of opportunity to focus on the task(s) at hand, allowing your mind and body to work in synchronicity.

  • Let it Go

    Most people think way too much about what they need to get done in a day, write it down and let-it-go. Try crossing something off that really doesn't need to be there 'to get you moving', you'll soon realise the positive psychology behind this (the ripple effect).

  • Reward

    It might sound indulgent, but forming good habits can be draining so treat yourself when you have a little win! Go for a brisk walk, make yourself a cup of tea or spend 5 minutes checking in with a colleague to share in your successes!

Posted on Wednesday, 01 April 2020
by Prue Fletcher in Health & Wellbeing
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.