13th December 2018 / Prue Fletcher: MUM'S CHRISTMAS SHORTBREAD

Christmas to me has always been about tradition.

In our house growing up, the tree goes up on December 1, mum makes her famous shortbread , nan cooks the family pudding (a recipe handed down through the generations) and my sisters and I would spend the day decorating the tree with years worth of arts and crafts that we thought made our house rival the MYER windows.

Here's mum's foolproof shortbread recipe, perfect wrapped up as a gift and sure to make anyone feel at home this Christmas.


2 oz caster sugar

4 oz butter

6 oz plain flour

Pinch salt


Beat butter and sugar, until creamy. Add a little flour to the mixture.

Place mixture onto a clean bench. Knead in the rest of the flour.

Once kneaded, roll out flat onto the bench. Cut out into Christmas-themed shapes.

Cook for about 20 mins on 170°C.

Once cooked, sprinkle with castor sugar.

Posted on Thursday, 13 December 2018
by Prue Fletcher in Community & Events
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.