6th April 2020 / Prue Fletcher: COVID-19: How Much Do We Share With Our Kids?

Approaching the topic of COVID-19 with our children in an open and honest manner is the best gift we can give to help them navigate and make sense of the recent changes in their worlds.

Just like us, it's so easy for our little people to become overwhelmed by everything they are seeing in the media and possibly hearing from friends and family. So is our role as their protectors, is to find a way to best relay the facts without causing alarm and in a way that is both age and temperament appropriate.

Attached are a few tools which we hope you will find useful:

Remember, you need to look after yourself too! In order to best support our children, it is imperative we are taking good care of ourselves first.

Be well, stay centered, we are all #InThisTogether.

Posted on Monday, 06 April 2020
by Prue Fletcher in Health & Wellbeing
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.