16th July 2019: When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Home Loan Facility?

Brought to you by Shore Financial.

The 5-minute conversation that could save you thousands.

We would like to touch base and introduce you to the Fletchers real estate financial services partner Shore Financial.

Shore Financial are property finance specialists that provide our clients with a number of benefits around the financing and refinancing of both their owner occupied and investment properties. I thought this offering would be of particular interest to you because you currently have investments managed by ourselves.

Shore Financial are offering our landlords a financial health check to ensure they have the most competitive interest rates on all of their loan facilities.

Some of the key benefits of the Shore Financial health check:

Due to APRA regulatory changes introduced in the past 2 years, interest rates for investment and interest only loans have significantly increased and you could now be paying significantly higher interest rates on these loan types. Most these changes mainly affected the major banks rather than the second tier lenders, with the disparity between the two being as substantial as 1.30-1.60% for alternative and more competitive lenders. We can now arrange funding for as low as 3.64% for investment interest only loans or 3.39% for owner occupied loans.

If you haven't reviewed your investment loans in the last 6-12 months, you could be paying up to 1.30-1.60% more in interest than you should be and it is likely that some substantial savings could be made. On an average $800,000 loan, this equates to between $10,400 - $12,800 p.a in interest savings.

Shore Financial leverages off this very aggressive market to achieve competitive rates on both fixed and variable home loans.

We strongly recommend a 5-minute conversation with a broker from the Shore Financial team, as they are able to quickly establish whether any savings are possible. If you do not wish to hear from a representative please let me know.


Marc Ventura

Senior Credit Adviser

marcventura@shorefinancial.com.au | 0423 840 716


Posted on Tuesday, 16 July 2019
in Finance