11th August 2020 / Prue Fletcher: The Fine Line Between Labour & Leisure

The Fine Line Between Labour & Leisure

Edited extract via BreatheMagazine.com.au

Working from home comes with its challenges. It can be both liberating and labour-some all in one day.

Speak with any freelance creative and the 3 main discussion points constantly taking up the airwaves are finding motivation, chasing new business and the pressure that comes from living in your home office or working in your home space. This proves even more challenging for those having to home school their children while balancing their roles as part of a wider professional team.

For those who spend their days wandering from kitchen to their work area and back again, how is it possible to switch off and know when enough is enough?

The stress of hustling for work, speaking with potential clients, keeping the current ones happy, and then having to maintain a fulfilling home life on top of it all is enormous. It can leave you wondering if life will ever have a sense of normality and routine again?

Click Here for some great ways you can bring balance to your days working from home.

Posted on Tuesday, 11 August 2020
by Prue Fletcher in Home & Design
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.