16th September 2019 / Prue Fletcher: Meet the Team: Michelle Yan & Ian Van Eijk

Michelle & Ian form a formidable duo working as Senior Associates across the City of Whitehorse. As they both consistently receive positive recommendations across all of our online portals, the message that echoes is of their incredibly positive nature, can do approach, trust worthiness and reliability.

They took a quick break to answer what keeps them both on top of their game and what excites them when it comes to the future of Real Estate.


What drew you to work in Real Estate?

Michelle: In my final year of my university, I bought my first property and subdivided the block into four townhouses. During that process, I met lots of estate agents and got to know the industry quite well. I was genuinely passionate about real estate and thought my background would unlock a huge opportunity for myself within the industry. So, I took a leap of faith changed career from civil engineering to real estate agent. I haven't looked back.

Ian: Encouragement to join industry by PJ and Troy who ran an office across the road. I previously worked in hospitality which is people focused so it was an easy transition to again be working with people. We are a service industry and that's the best part that it's not just a transaction.

Who or what inspires you daily?

Michelle: Knowing that my clients put their faith in me to guide them through some of their most life changing events, gives me a great sense of responsibility and privilege. Many of my listings referral based and it's through their trust in me handling their biggest asset that serves as a big part of my motivation.

Ian: The unknown. Everyday is different so it's like a fresh start everyday not knowing what challenges, laughs and highs you will have. Embrace the unknown.

What unique trait do you bring to your job?

Michelle: For me I'd say that it's that I don't see every listing and sale as a simple transaction. I like to know the reason behind my clients move and/or investment and I provide my professional recommendation around this. Sometimes, my advice means that their business will not be imminent, but I'm content with knowing that I've given them the best advice for their situation. I believe that the key to having a long term, successful career in this industry is to build genuine relationships.

Ian: Empathy and fun and great knowledge of best uses of frequent flyer points and how to build them up.

The last 12 months has seen a lot of change in property prices. Why do you think the City of Whitehorse (particularly Blackburn) has managed to achieve an increase in their median values?

Michelle: Whitehorse has so much to offer and Blackburn is a great example. Things like Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, Blackburn Station, shopping centres, sought after schooling options, access to the Eastern Freeway; everything is just around the corner! Home buyers see this as a positive investment for their future and are happy to pay good prices for a lifestyle that the whole family can enjoy for many, many years.

Our industry has significantly changed with the rise of Al and automation. How have you ensured you are maintaining quality relationships with your clients?

Ian: Make time for people. Grab a coffee with someone, have some lunch with them, make a phone call. Keep yourself relevant to their needs.

How do you maintain your mental health when working in a 7 day a week industry?

Michelle: Being determined and consistent in providing our community with the best level of service we can. We are such a united team and have each other's back through thick and thin.

Working for a 100 year old family business, tell us what 'family' means to you?

Ian: To me it means having a common bond, all striving to achieve the same goal as a team. There may be bumps along the way like all families but the team are there for you when needed.

What excites you about Real Estate as we approach 2020?

Michelle: The banks have implemented a few new policies that are helping the next generation of first home buyers get into the market, which excites me. It has been really tough for them for some time now. I am a big advocate for hard working Australians being able to have the opportunity to purchase property in their home country.

A year from now we are sitting here celebrating what a great year its been in your roles as Senior Associates with Fletchers, what made it so great?

Michelle: Having recently made the move to join Fletchers, the guidance, structure and support I've received from every single team member has been amazing. The positive vibes and uplifting culture has made coming to work an absolute dream.

Ian: Delivery on talk, support and the fun environment without hesitation. The delivery on promise.

Fast 5

Last podcast you listened to:

Michelle: BNI (Business Networking International) -Stay Connected! Engage In Networking Education.

AFL team you support:

Ian: I would not know the difference from a goal or a mark! Next question!

Topic you wish you knew more about:

Michelle: Skin care & health.

Best Wellness recommendation:

Ian: Take time out. The industry does not stop if you have a break. Be organised and book time out in advance.

Favourite hot spot in Whitehorse:

Michelle: Clover & Charlie Cafe in Blackburn, next door to our office. The owner Kim fixes me lunch almost everyday!

Posted on Monday, 16 September 2019
by Prue Fletcher in Media
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.