16th September 2019 / Prue Fletcher: Meet the Team: Jane Caulfield

A senior member of our team and a prominent voice for women across our industry, Jane Caulfield founded her career in real estate in Taiwan.

An introduction which has enabled her to have a unique level of understanding of the Chinese buyer mindset, Jane brings a plethora of skills and an in-depth level of understanding which spans across many aspects of the real estate industry.

Prior to commencing her real estate career in Australia, she ran her own conveyancing business, which has added an intimate level of perspective and understanding of the processes one goes through when selling property.

A specialist in selling homes across Boroondara and Whitehorse, Jane is an invaluable member of our team and I'm excited to share this candid interview as I caught up for coffee with her earlier in the week...

Why Real Estate?

"It's all about making a difference in peoples' lives. Buying and selling is an emotional transaction, a bit like buying cars, shoes or handbags! Jokes aside, it can be right up their in terms of stress levels with death, marriage and divorce. Our job is to take the stress out of the transaction while ensuring our people feel they are in safe, professional hands. To see my clients' elation as we are sold, knowing that everything we have worked towards has made a difference, that we have achieved a result we can be proud of, is the ultimate satisfaction."

What drives you each day?

"My people. Whether that be my family, clients or team. Coming from adversity, I learnt at an early age that relationships count and having people you can trust, depend on, as well as be there for is paramount to successful outcomes. Success is never one person, it's always a team. This is what I strive for; outcomes of excellence for all around me. There is no greater job satisfaction, sense of achievement or contentment."

What sets you apart from your competitors?

"My tenacity, dedication and care factor. Raising three young children on my own emotionally, physically and financially, taught me the importance of tenacity, the value of money, and the importance of surrounding myself with excellent people. I understand I have the privilege of making a difference in peoples' lives. I must do everything in my power to get every last cent out of the market for my clients. This is what they hire me for. To achieve this I must continually improve my skills set, strategise and adapt to changing markets, surround myself with experts and never stop . My reviews and results reflect this."

You are ranked #1 on RateMyAgent for Mont Albert North. What is your favourite thing about selling homes in this area?

"Again, it's the people. That and the leafy, green rolling hills in this incredibly convenient and affordable inner east location. My clients range from couples who still live in their very first home from when they were first married some 40, 50 or 60 years ago through to young couples looking for their first home. The flavour is always the same, Mont Albert North seems to attract truly lovely people, it's a bit of a hidden gem."

Who has been a mentor in your career, and how have they influenced your business today?

"I've been fortunate to have had many amazing mentors throughout my career, all of whom I'm extremely grateful for. I have the belief that there is no one or right way. It's important to be open to new ideas, be willing to adapt and listen to as many people as you can, and from this take what feels right for you, what you believe in and make it you. The stand outs in my career are Adam Steere who taught me the importance of being genuine, vulnerable and the importance of relationships; Grant Lynch who taught me the importance of super tight processes; and mostly my phenomenal coach Sherrie Storor who taught me to believe in myself and what I offer. There are many others, but these have impacted me the most."

What advice would you give someone starting out in the property industry?

"Surround yourself with experts, be a sponge and watch/listen/learn as you can and from that take what works for you and leave what does not. Mostly trust in and be yourself. People buy you, not scripts and dialogues and never ever give up on yourself."

How do you balance maintaining peak performance and mental health?

"Real estate is an extremely demanding job. We are switched on a great deal of our week. Time management is critical. Setting aside time for our loved ones as well as ourselves is something that is learned, particularly when you are a nurturer by nature. My coach Sherrie Storor taught me the importance of this and helped me to achieve it. I also invest in a life coach weekly so I stay clear in order to be the best that I can be for myself, family and clients."

You're a headliner at the upcoming Melbourne Breakfast Series 'Male & Female Ambassadors for Change'. What will be your message? #SSWIRE19

"Without giving too much away, I will be discussing the importance of women in real estate not only for our clients, but also for agency owners and the industry. You see over the years I have come to understand that women do real estate very differently from men. It's not about if one is right or wrong or better than the other. Quite the contrary, both are fabulous and both offer something different. So I will be advocating for us as an industry to acknowledge these differences, support and foster them in a collaborative movement, so that the end user and perception of our industry gets the benefit of both skill sets working in harmony."

Working for a 100 year old family business, tell us what 'family' means to you?

"Commitment, acknowledging and accepting each other's differences, working in collaboration and harmony while supporting each other for the common good of all both within our family and sphere of influence."

What excites you about the future of real estate?

There feels like there is a shift taking place as technology advances . Consumers expect more. They seek a genuine experience and excellence. Gone are the days of cheesy salespeople. Consumers see through this, they expect deeper, genuine connections. As technology advances, we are better able to streamline our processes which frees us to deliver more of ourselves to the process of selling and managing buyers as well as highly targeted marketing which increases buyers through properties.

Fast 5

Website you visit most:

"Google News. I know, boring!"

What kind of art do you most enjoy:

"Anything Frank Lloyd Wright, I know it's (organic) architecture, but to me, it's art."

What topic do you wish you knew more about:

Leadership and business management.

Best book recommendation:

The Brain that Changes Itself - Norman Doig

Favorite quote:

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

Posted on Monday, 16 September 2019
by Prue Fletcher in Media
Prue Fletcher
As an energetic individual and strong advocate for the brand, Prue is thrilled to re-join the team as a proud and prominent voice for Fletchers.