16th January 2012: Keeping Cool and Saving Power

Here are some handy tips for saving power during the hot summer months!

– Keep windows covered: in the heat of the day, ensure that windows are covered by curtains, blinds or shutters;

– Turn off air conditioning: don't leave your air conditioner running all day while at work, or keep it running throughout the night;

– Keeping cool rooms centralised: when cooling a central room, keep the doors closed to cool it more quickly and efficiently;

– Use a thermometer: purchase a thermometer and keep your temperature between 23 and 26 degrees…for every degree cooler, this will add approximately 10% to your power bill to maintain; and

– Moderate is best: use the economy setting on air conditioners to maintain moderate instead of cold temperature.

Most importantly, enjoy the Summer days!

Source for Power Saving Tips: Energy Australia, website http://www.energyaustralia.com.au/

Posted on Monday, 16 January 2012
in Miscellaneous