6th July 2018 / Sarah Lowry: Growth in Australia's Top End

Knight Frank Prime Residential Review shows strong growth in Australia's top end, despite a softening market.

Senior Associate & Auctioneer Mark Fletcher said that while there were still 'phenomenal' results, there had definitely been an adjustment in the high-end market, with the drop off in foreign buyers being a factor.

We're not, however, seeing the market "disappear", according to Mark. Learn more on Domain: bit.ly/GrowthInTopEnd

Posted on Friday, 06 July 2018
by Sarah Lowry in Miscellaneous
Sarah Lowry
Hardworking, resourceful and determined, Sarah is a Sales Partner and Auctioneer in the Fletchers business. Combining over 15 years’ real estate experience across sales, marketing and management, Sarah understands the business functions required for a sales campaign to be most effective.