6th January 2021: Digital Marketing: Is It Worth the Spend?

With most people spending over 20 hours per week online and on social media, we all know it's time to take digital marketing seriously! Incorporating Google display and search ads, plus Facebook, Instagram and other social networking posts and ads, digital marketing is an integral way to reach people now.

A key reason why you should invest in digital marketing is that it is an effective way to reach passive buyers, who are not looking at the traditional property portals, as well as targeting active buyers in another way. Google and Facebook's artificial intelligence allows us to target active buyers, as well as retargeting ads to people who have previously clicked on your property.

Although there is a lot of people on Facebook, not everyone is and not everyone uses it on a frequent basis. This is why implementing a multi-channel digital marketing strategy incorporating both Facebook and Google ads is better, to maximise the exposure for your property.

Digital marketing is also an extremely cost-effective way to market your home. The number of ads and clicks you can achieve for your investment is surprising. Our detailed reported provides fantastic insight into what your digital campaign has achieved.

Put simply, digital marketing allows us to cast the net wider, to find passive, as well as active buyers and even out of area buyers.

Advanced audience targeting places your ads only in front of people more likely to be interested in your properties, finding new prospective customers more effectively than traditional media channels. Once someone clicks on an ad, retargeting technology ensures it keeps resurfacing as a reminder while they browse other sites. Not forever, just until the end of the campaign.

Google is where the world starts searching for information online. Responsive text ads matched to a potential's buyers search terms appear in relevant Google results, driving calls, enquiries and clicks to the property website.

Captivating property ads appear in user's newsfeeds (both desktop and mobile), guaranteeing that more people will see the property listing than if posted only to an agent's own page. Precise demographic, lifestyle and geographical targeting ensure each property campaign is accurately matched to the right people, and powerful remarketing will keep the property top of mind when someone has shown interest in it.

Posted on Wednesday, 06 January 2021
in Market Updates